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Join the Waitlist for The Rebalance Club

Balance your hormones and lose weight — permanently.

When you join the waitlist you will also join the Health with Holland email list. You can unsubscribe from both at any time.

What is The Rebalance Club?

The Rebalance Club is a group program, initially for 12 weeks, with an option to continue afterwards. It's perfect for women who have struggled with balancing their hormones and losing weight. This supportive community will provide you with all the tools and guidance you need to finally understand your health and achieve your goals — whether that's feeling more energetic, sleeping better, enjoying food again, achieving permanent weight loss, or building a bulletproof mindset. It includes:

  • Weekly masterclasses on topics such as nutrition, stress management, exercise, mindset, and circadian rhythm.
  • Weekly group Zoom calls to ensure that all your questions are answered.
  • Weekly challenges to support your progress.
  • An exercise program suitable for all levels.
  • An active Facebook community for accountability.
  • Guides and a workbook to help keep you on track towards your goals.

12 themes over 12 weeks

My team and I will share this all-encompassing approach with you over 12 weeks. Each week will have its own theme, helping you to focus on one thing at a time to make incremental changes, each one building on the last. We will cover everything from gut health and emotional eating to nervous system regulation and stress management.

What makes The Rebalance Club different?

The Rebalance Club is designed to help you make lasting change. It's easy enough to quickly make changes that don't last — just think about how many people set New Year's resolutions and fail to stick with them for more than a few days or weeks! In my experience, working with hundreds of clients, the key to making lasting change is mindset.

Master your mindset

In The Rebalance Club, unlike most other programs, there's a significant focus on nervous system regulation and stress management. That's because, when you focus here, one result is a less chaotic mind. And a less chaotic mind is better able to make the necessary mindset shifts to support lasting change.

As a result of those mindset shifts, you'll finally be able to optimise nutrition, gut health, blood sugar balance, hormone balance, exercise, sleep, and more — successfully!

12+ weeks to ensure change that lasts

Join The Rebalance Club for a minimum of 12 weeks, with the option to extend beyond that if you'd like a continued curriculum with more support and accountability. My team (including a psychologist, dietitian, and mindset coach) and I are here to help you throughout. The initial 12-week commitment ensures you have the time needed for true behaviour change.

This program is tried and tested — these are the resources that my 1:1 clients have had access to and achieved amazing success with. Now, it's available as a group program, so I can help more women to achieve their health goals!

Join the Waitlist Now!

When the doors open, spots within The Rebalance Club will be limited to ensure all members feel supported. Join the waitlist now to ensure you have the opportunity to review full details, and then join if it's right for you.

When you join the waitlist you will also join the Health with Holland email list. You can unsubscribe from both at any time.